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Forside >  Produkter  >  Aluminium døre >  skydedøre

Ruller Glass Dør Tilpasset Lejlighed Offentlig Bygning Kommerciel Aluminium Ramme Ruller Døre med Dobbelt Glased Temperet Glass

Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass manufacture
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass manufacture
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass factory
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass manufacture
Aluminiums glidende dør
Profil Design
Med eller uden termisk brud profil

Lægetætte gummiringe
to-niveau forslutning
Luft eller Argon-gas
120-150 KG
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass factory
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass manufacture
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass factory
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass factory
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass details
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass details
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass factory
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass supplier
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass supplier
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass manufacture
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass factory
Standardfarver og tilpassede farver
Aluminiumsektioner kan produceres i alle farver på RAL-skalaen. De almindelige standardfarver inkluderer: RAL 9016 Hvid, RAL 9017 Sort, RAL 7016 Antracitgrå. Andre RAL-farver kan fremstilles efter minimumsordremængde (MOQ), kontakt os venligst for flere detaljer, hvis du har behov.
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass details
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass factory
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass factory
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass details
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass factory
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass factory
Pakning & Levering
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass manufacture
Sliding Glass Door Custom Apartment Public Building Commercial Aluminium Frame Sliding Doors with Double Glazed Tempered Glass supplier
For bedre at sikre sikkerheden for dine varer, vil professionelle, miljøvenlige, bekvemme og effektive emballagetjenester blive leveret.
Q1: Kan jeg få et gratis tilbud?
A: Ja, gratis offert'er er tilgængelige for vores kunder. Prisen beregnes i overensstemmelse med køberens specifikke krav. Venligst hjælp med at levere følgende information.
1). Vinduer og døre plan angivende vinduesdimensionerne (BxH), mængder og type.
2). Ramme farve & coating (pulverbemaling / fluorcarbon / anodering / elektrofose eller andre).
3). Type af glas og tykkelse (enkelt/dubbel glassering eller froset/lamineret/Low-E, med/uden edelgas eller andre) og farve (klar/tønet/reflektiverende eller andre).
4). Energitilsagn & sikkerhedskrav. Q2: Hvad er DERAD's produktionstid?
A: 30-45 dage efter modtagelse af indlæg og tegning. Q3: Hvad er betalingsbetingelserne? A: Normalt 30%-50% af det samlede beløb via T/T som indlæg, og resten før levering. Uigenkaldelig L/C til synsordning er også acceptabel. Q4: Skal vi montere glaset (pladsfæsting) eller kommer DERADs produkter med glas installeret? A: Glas installeres normalt på fabrikken baseret på vinduer/døre dimensioner for at sikre produktkvaliteten. På stedet monterede glas anbefales kun for ekstremt store produkter. Q5: Hvad er DERAD's garanti? A: DERAD tilbyder en 7 års garanti.
Q6: Hvad for type service vil DERAD tilbyde med hensyn til teknisk support? A: Hos DERAD arbejder vores tekniske ingeniører tæt sammen med kunderne for at give dem tidlig og professionel rådgivning igennem hele projektet. Installationsinstruktioner er tilgængelige i overensstemmelse med Australien Vinduer Associations branchevejledning.

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