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product house apartment office building commercial bifold door aluminium profile folding glass doors with double glass-45

Bifold døre

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Hus Lejlighed Kontorbygning Kommerciel Bifold Dør Aluminiumsprofil Foldeglasdøre med Dobbeltglas Danmark

Produkt beskrivelse
Produkt beskrivelse
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass supplier
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass factory
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass factory
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass supplier
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass manufacture
Aluminium dobbelt-fold dør
Profil design
Termisk -Kammer profil
Termisk isolering
To-niveau tætning
Gas plads
Luft eller Argon Gas
120-200 KG
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass manufacture
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass manufacture
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass factory
Firma profil
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass details
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass manufacture
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass manufacture
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass details
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass supplier
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass supplier
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass details
Standardfarver og specialfremstillede farver
Aluminiumssektioner kan fremstilles i alle farver i RAL-diagram. De almindelige standardfarver er inkluderet: RAL 9016 Hvid, RAL 9017 Sort, RAL 7016 Antracitgrå. De andre RAL-farver kan specialfremstilles i henhold til MOQ, kontakt os venligst for flere detaljer, hvis du har brug for det.
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass factory
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass details
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass details
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass factory
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass supplier
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass supplier
Pakning og levering
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass details
House Apartment Office Building Commercial Bifold Door Aluminium Profile Folding Glass Doors with Double Glass manufacture
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A: Ja, gratis tilbud er tilgængelige for vores kunder. Prisen er beregnet efter købers specifikke krav. Hjælp venligst med at give følgende oplysninger.
1). Vinduer og døre skema med angivelse af vinduesdimensioner (BxH), mængder og type.
2). Rammefarve og belægning (pulverbelægning/fluorcarbon/anodisering/elektroforese eller andet).
3). Glastype og tykkelse (enkelt/dobbeltglas eller hærdet/lamineret/Lav-E, med/uden ædelgas eller andet) og farve (klar/tonet/reflekterende eller andet).
4). Energiklassificering og sikkerhedskrav. Q2: Hvad er DERADs fremstillingstid?
A: 30-45 dage efter bekræftelse af depositum og tegning. Q3: Hvad er betalingsbetingelserne? A: Normalt 30% -50% af det samlede beløb ved T/T som depositum og balance før levering. Uigenkaldeligt L/C ved syn er også acceptabelt. Spørgsmål 4: Skal vi installere glasset (ruder på stedet), eller kommer DERADs produkter med glasset installeret? A: Glas er normalt installeret på fabrikken baseret på vinduer/døre dimensioner for at sikre kvaliteten af ​​produkterne. Onsite ruder anbefales kun til ekstremt store produkter. Q5: Hvad er DERADs garanti? A: DERAD giver 7 års garanti.
Q6: Hvilken slags service vil DERAD levere med hensyn til teknisk support? A: Hos DERAD kommunikerer vores tekniske ingeniører tæt med kunderne for at give dem rettidig og professionel rådgivning gennem hele projektet. Installationsvejledninger er tilgængelige i overensstemmelse med Australian Windows Association Industry guide.

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